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Enoletna latovka - Poa Annua - Annual Bluegrass

Posted: 21 Apr 2020, 17:42
by Sandi
slovensko: Enoletna latovka
latinsko: Poa Annua
angleško: Annual Bluegrass
nemško: Einjähriges Rispengras

Poa-Annua-Bluegrass-Weed-AS-238191995-560x400[1].jpg (102.93 KiB) Viewed 3015 times

Enoletna latovka potrebuje vlažno zemljo, ker ima plitke korenine. V suhi zemlji odmre pred drugimi travami. Rada ima gnojeno zemljo, čemur se ne moremo izogniti, če želimo lepo zeleno trato. Moteča enoletna latovka je pomladi moteča zaradi svoje svetlejše barve. Problem izgine nekje sredi junija.

Glede ukrepov je tole povzevzetek neke nemške spletne strani in se mi zdi eden boljših:
1. Do not scarify. Thorough raking out in spring is sufficient. Already here the Poa annua plant comes towards you, sometimes in clusters, and you prevent the often described flight paths for other weed seeds.

2. If reseeding is necessary, postpone it until the flowering of Poa annua in early spring (it is impossible to prevent Poa annua at this stage anyway). In order for the seeds to germinate, continuous moisture is required.If you sow later, the lawn must be kept moist for a period of almost three to four weeks (depending on the lawn mixture), which means that the Poa annua lasts well into encourages the year into.

3. If the reseed has formed sufficient roots, you have to change your irrigation strategy consistently. Poa annua often has only a third of the root depth of our desired grasses. So watering should not be so frequent, but it should be penetrating. Up to 15 liters per square meter every three days in the early morning (here the computer-controlled irrigation system pays off).

4. Good fertilizer management so that the desired grasses are powerful enough. Pay attention to fertilizer mixtures that promote the formation of the root system.

5. Regular mowing prevents moisture from building up in the upper soil layer, which would otherwise benefit the short-rooted Poa annua. Intensive mowing also promotes the ramification of the desired grass.

6. Regular raking out, the formation of waterlogging and thus the desire to stay in the Poa annua also counteracts.

7. An aerification in spring ensures that the required water reaches the deeper root layers faster and that standing moisture is prevented.

With this catalog of measures, there is a high probability that Poa annua will not feel comfortable on your lawn and say goodbye. Small restriction: Of course, these measures work best when we don't have a rainy summer.

Why am I sure in advance? In addition to my main lawn area, which is constantly maintained, cared for and watered, there are two other lawn areas that receive far less attention. There is not a single Poa annua plant on either surface ....

Re: Enoletna latovka

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 08:33
by b1324
Na to temo lahko dodam informacijo glede škropiva Puma Garden Extra, ki sicer pri nas ni dovoljeno in ga ni možno kupiti. Slišati je, da povišana doza 120ml škropiva/10l vode za cca 250m2 v parih dneh požge enoletno latovko, tako mladice kot že cvetoče rastline. Nekateri namreč škropivo dobijo v Avstriji, kjer je dovoljeno, in ga uporabljajo ker uničuje tudi druge ozkolistnate plevele. Pri nas v Sloveniji je prepovedano, tako da osebnih izkušenj ne morem deliti.

Re: Enoletna latovka - Poa Annua - Annual Bluegrass

Posted: 08 Jun 2021, 06:50
by b1324
Na prejšnjo ne morem strokovno komentirati, lahko le povem, da zadeva deluje. Prosim pa za mnenje - bi ponovno tretiral enoletno latovko ali je že prepozno v sezoni? Nebi želel celo poletje gledati praznih lis...

Re: Enoletna latovka - Poa Annua - Annual Bluegrass

Posted: 08 Jun 2021, 22:30
by Sandi
Če je enoletna že odvgla seme, ki bo kalilo jeseni, čemu tretiranje? Izginjajočo poa boš pripisal kemikalijam.

Re: Enoletna latovka - Poa Annua - Annual Bluegrass

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 15:54
by baktiv
Maaa dej kr neki, pr men je ta enoletna latovka že vn udarla, tko da jbg, na kolena pa trgat, vn :))
A se v slo dobi kj pametnega prot temu 🤦‍♂️

Re: Enoletna latovka - Poa Annua - Annual Bluegrass

Posted: 02 Apr 2022, 17:29
by baktiv
Oziroma kje v tujini lahko kupim kaj za to enoletno latovko..

Re: Enoletna latovka - Poa Annua - Annual Bluegrass

Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 07:18
by brane10
Našel sem eno spletno stran na Poljskem da prodajajo PoaCure ampak so tako neodzivni!Čakam na odgovor že dolgo!
Sem pa naše tudi en selektivni herbicid v Italiji Ampak deluje tudi na druge vrste trave in plevele!

Re: Enoletna latovka - Poa Annua - Annual Bluegrass

Posted: 16 Nov 2022, 07:42
by baktiv

Re: Enoletna latovka - Poa Annua - Annual Bluegrass

Posted: 13 Apr 2023, 19:58
by baktiv

Re: Enoletna latovka - Poa Annua - Annual Bluegrass

Posted: 14 Apr 2023, 10:21
by Zonpol
Tole me spominja na Connorja, ki je požgal celo trato. Video je naslovil " Burn Baby Burn" 😂